Why OF Models Make More Money Than You

Ever wonder why OF models make a ton of money?

You probably already know.

They sell what men want.

Making their industry valuable.

And that’s what every business needs. (not OF models…dummy)

A product or service that provides value to people. 

(yep unfortunately for me & you the gurus were right)

At least partly right. 

Value isn’t everything!

But it’s important.

For the newbies who don’t know what value is

Value is what anyone considers important. 

Meaning value is perceptional.

What you think might be “valuable to you might not be valuable to me”

That’s exactly why some people buy farts in a jar while you’re left scratching your head wondering why people buy that.

The second thing to note is needs > value.

All needs are valuable but not everything you value is a need.

And lastly, people place value into what the society told them is valuable

Or what they learned is valuable.

With all that out of the way the question then is 

How do I provide value?

I won’t give you the generic advice that goes “solve your own problems”

That might be helpful for you coz at the end of the day


Except maybe your parents…and that one friend.

Which brings me to Whitman’s Life Force 8

Creating value is all about 

  1. solving a problem or pain point
  2. distracting people from the problem (that’s not really value but some people are into that)
  3. Improving people’s lives.

 If your product doesn’t do one of these then it’s trash.

Believe it or not, people normally don’t go for stuff that improves their life.

If they’re doing ok and need to take action to make their lives better than ok they most likely won’t.

So your best option is solving people’s pain point (or providing a distraction ).

But let’s just say you want to go for one of the 3 but you don’t have an idea.

Just go to Quora, Reddit or some other community based platform, look at the stuff people are into.

Try seeing what they want. 

They keep complaining about.

Go to the brands you love and see what you could be doing better.

(If your favorite brand is apple then I’m sorry…you’re cooked)

As seth Godin says “Marketing is all about better” 

Now that you have a product your goal is to get someone to buy.

If they buy (even if it’s just a dollar).

Then you’re on the right track.

If they just stare at you wondering if you’ve gone mad then it might be time to go back to the drawing board.